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PPC for beginners: Digital ad spending forecast for south-east asia 2024

In the dynamic landscape of Southeast Asia's digital marketing economy, the year 2024 promises to be a pivotal moment for advertisers and marketers alike. As businesses continue to adapt to evolving consumer behaviors and technological advancements, the digital ad spending forecast for Southeast Asia unveils a compelling narrative of growth, innovation, and strategic adaptation.

Digital ad spending in the region will grow by more than 10% again this year, but digital will account for a small percentage of overall ad spending compared with the rest of the world. Not only that, but to state the importance of a rise in ad spending, it rose from 35.2% to 36.4% in 2024. This highlights the profound impact of Southeast Asia advertising spending and advertising agencies' role during this period. As per the report from Emarketer, Southeast Asia's digital ad spending in 2024 is expected to decline to 6.2%. This highlights the profound impact of Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia’s advertising spending. Let us discuss Southeast Asia's ad spending forecast in the blog and how advertising agencies can adapt proactively to new marketing trends and maximize the return on ad spending in the upcoming years.


Rising Tide of Digital Transformation

Southeast Asia's journey to a digital future is characterized by profound and rapid transformation. A number of factors, including rising internet penetration rates, widespread smartphone adoption, and the exponential growth of e-commerce, have fueled this shift. Businesses are realizing the significant impact of these changes, and there is a tangible recognition of the need to reallocate marketing budgets strategically. This adjustment is motivated by a keen awareness of the unusual potential that digital channels provide for reaching and engaging target audiences online.

Furthermore, Southeast Asia's digital transformation is a fundamental change in how businesses operate and interact with customers. Artificial intelligence, data analytics, and augmented reality are revolutionizing marketing strategies. Advertisers are embracing these innovations and actively using them to gain a competitive advantage. This comprehensive approach to digital transformation represents a departure from traditional paradigms and demonstrates the industry's commitment to remaining at the forefront of technological advancements.


Mobile First, Mobile Foremost

Southeast Asia's enthusiastic embrace of mobile technology has left an indelible mark on the region's digital advertising landscape. With a large proportion of the population in Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries accessing the internet via smartphones, advertisers are strategically allocating resources to create mobile-friendly campaigns, applications, and platforms. Due to their widespread availability, smartphones have evolved from simple communication devices to essential hubs for information consumption, entertainment, and online transactions.

This mobile-centric approach is particularly noticeable in the realm of social media, which serves as a dynamic and pervasive platform for advertisers. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook platform, and TikTok app have grown into veritable hotbeds of mobile advertising, attracting significant user engagement. Advertisers are curating their content to the mobile interface and leveraging the interactive and immersive features these platforms provide. The mutually beneficial connection between mobile technology and digital advertising in Southeast Asia is more than a trend; it is a fundamental shift that requires marketing initiatives to be strategically aligned with the mobile preferences of the region's diverse and dynamic audience.

E-commerce Boom

The seismic surge in e-commerce activity coursing through Southeast Asia's digital landscape has become a powerful catalyst for the exponential growth in digital ad spending. This paradigm shift is intricately woven into the fabric of shifting consumer preferences, where the gravitational pull toward online marketing has become undoubtedly strong. In response to this dynamic shift, brands are strategically deploying digital advertising as an effective strategy for capturing online shoppers' fleeting attention and orchestrating campaigns that seamlessly translate into tangible sales.

The e-commerce battleground is most vividly illustrated on platforms such as Shopee, Lazada app in Singapore, and Tokopedia in Indonesia, where brands compete relentlessly to establish their digital footprint. These platforms have evolved into sprawling market places where advertisers use sophisticated strategies to navigate the competitive landscape. It's more than just gaining visibility in a sea of products; it's about creating campaigns that resonate with the nuances of the online shopper's journey, resulting in an immersive experience beyond the financial aspect of e-commerce. As the e-commerce boom grows, digital advertisers are more than just observers; they are active participants, creating campaigns that ride the digital wave and leave an indelible impression on the consumer's mind.

Furthermore, the relationship between e-commerce and digital advertising is shifting from transactional to experiential. Advertisers are looking into new ways to seamlessly integrate their messaging into the user's online shopping experience, blurring the distinction between commerce and content consumption. This comprehensive approach emphasizes the strategic imperative for brands to be present and actively engaged throughout the customer's e-commerce experience.


Video Dominance

In the ever-changing symphony of digital advertising, video content has emerged as the undisputed maestro, orchestrating campaigns that deeply connect with audiences. The rise of video dominance is supported by a combination of faster internet speeds and rising data affordability throughout Southeast Asia. As the digital infrastructure matures, video ads have become an appealing medium for brands to tell their stories and form genuine connections with their target audiences.

Streaming services, led by massive corporations such as YouTube, have emerged as the epicentres of video content consumption. Regional players in Southeast Asia, such as Viu and the iFlix app, are capitalizing on the surge in ad spend as brands recognize the inherent value of captivating audiences through visually immersive experiences. The shift to video dominance is more than a reaction to technological advancements; it is a strategic recognition that consumers are drawn to the dynamic and interactive aspect of video content.

Advertisers are navigating this landscape by creating high-quality video ads that are optimized for multiple platforms and devices. Introducing interactive and personalized video content is gaining traction, offering users a more engaging and participatory user experience. As brands recognize the value of visual storytelling, video dominance is poised to shape the future of digital advertising in Southeast Asia, providing a powerful platform for conveying brand narratives and developing long-term connections with consumers.

Programmatic Advertising's Ascendance

In the tapestry of Southeast Asia's digital advertising evolution, programmatic advertising is emerging as a transformative force. It is gaining popularity as marketers recognize its unparalleled efficiency in targeting specific audiences and optimizing ad placement in real time. The central concept of programmatic advertising is the automated orchestration of the ad-buying process, which provides advertisers with a powerful tool for precision, cost-effectiveness, and real-time campaign optimization.

This ascendance is more than just a trend; it is a strategic response to the changing landscape of consumer behaviour and the need for advertisers to navigate an increasingly complex and competitive marketplace. The automation of the ad-buying process allows advertisers to tailor their campaigns with surgical precision, ensuring that their messages reach the right people at the right times. This level of granular control improves the relevance of ad content and maximizes the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

As programmatic advertising gains traction, it marks a shift in how advertisers approach digital campaigns. It's not just about the ads; it's about real-time data-driven campaigns that respond to the ever-changing dynamics of consumer behavior. Programmatic advertising's inherent efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it an essential tool for advertisers looking to not only navigate but thrive in Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan for a dynamic digital marketing ecosystem.

Emerging trends of 2024

Amidst the promising landscape and nuanced challenges of Southeast Asia's digital advertising scene, it is critical to highlight the emerging trends shaping the industry's future trajectory. These PPC trends reflect the region's dynamic digital landscape and provide strategic insights for advertisers seeking to stay ahead of the competition.


1. Influencer Marketing Evolution - Influencer marketing, a powerful force in Southeast Asia, including Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, is evolving beyond its traditional ties to celebrities. This evolution is characterized by micro-influencers' rise—people with a small but highly engaged following. Advertisers are increasingly impressed with the authenticity and relatability that micro-influencers bring to the table. This recognition has prompted a shift toward more targeted and niche marketing campaigns as brands capitalize on the genuine connections micro-influencers have with their audience. Notably, influencers are no longer just endorsers; they actively collaborate with brands, shaping brand narratives and establishing a deeper, more authentic resonance with their target audience.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences - Augmented Reality has moved beyond its novelty status to become a powerful tool in the digital advertising landscape. Brands are using Augmented Reality to create immersive and interactive experiences that captivate users. From allowing customers to virtually try on products to providing three-dimensional narratives of a brand's story, Augmented Reality significantly increases user engagement and recall. The ongoing advancement of smartphone capabilities is making AR more accessible, opening up exciting opportunities for advertisers. This accessibility enables the creation of memorable and shareable experiences, cementing AR's position as a critical component in the modern advertising arsenal.

3. Sustainability and Social Responsibility - In Southeast Asia, consumer preferences are shifting as people prioritize brands that align with their values, particularly in terms of sustainability and social responsibility. Advertisers respond quickly, infusing their campaigns with environmentally friendly messaging, emphasizing sustainable practices, and actively participating in social initiatives and activities. Brands that genuinely incorporate these values into their digital campaigns' performance resonate with consumers, who, in turn, become advocates for brands that positively contribute to societal and environmental concerns. This symbiotic relationship strengthens the brand and consumer bond, resulting in a positive feedback loop in which conscious consumerism complements responsible brand recognition.

4. Livestream Shopping Experiences - Livestream shopping is becoming a powerful force in e-commerce, gaining popularity as a dynamic tool for brands. Social media platforms and major e-commerce players are integrating live streaming features, allowing brands to showcase their products in real time and engage with customers directly. Recognizing the region's preference for live interactions, advertisers are looking into new ways to seamlessly blend entertainment and commerce. Livestream events are transformed into captivating digital shopfronts, providing consumers with a dynamic and interactive shopping experience consistent with changing trends in digital consumer behavior.

5. Voice Search Optimization - The rise of voice-activated devices and virtual assistants is reshaping Southeast Asia's digital landscape, with voice search becoming increasingly popular. Advertisers are adapting their digital strategies to capitalize on this trend, considering the conversational aspects inherent in voice queries. This shift reflects the shifting dynamics of how consumers access information, providing a unique opportunity for brands to establish a distinct voice presence in the digital realm. Advertisers can stay ahead of the competition in an environment where spoken queries are becoming more common by curating their content and strategies to the conversational nature of voice searches.



As Southeast Asia moves toward a digitally driven future, the 2024 digital ad spending forecast reveals a landscape ripe with opportunities for those willing to embrace innovation and adapt to changing consumer trends. The more satisfied users are the more traffic increases on the landing page. Running more paid ads and offering discounts and promotions to users can also help boost traffic, which can be added to ad extensions like promotion extensions and sitelink extensions. As advertisers plan their strategy in Southeast Asia, embracing these emerging trends will be critical to remaining relevant and resonating with the region's diverse and digitally savvy audiences. The dynamic interplay of innovation, cultural relevance, and technological advancements will continue to shape Southeast Asia's digital advertising landscape.

It has been found that 54% of people do not feel that online ads represent their culture. Therefore, it is important to create culturally appropriate ads in order to make a lasting impression on people. However, creating relatable ads can be a difficult task. To aid in this process, you can consider hiring a digital marketing agency. Digital marketers can handle multiple ad formats, including search ads, video ads, and mobile ads, and provide complete digital marketing service and PPC campaign analysis.Combining multiple ads formats along with mobile-centric strategies, video content, e-commerce engagement, and programmatic advertising can be the foundation of success in the dynamic region of digital marketing. This can usher in a new era of growth and prosperity for businesses that are willing to invest in their digital future. Mobile-centric strategies, video content, e-commerce engagement, and programmatic advertising are poised to be the foundations of success in this dynamic region, ushering in a new era of growth and prosperity for businesses willing to invest in their digital future.


. A path toward profitable growth for Southeast Asia’s digital economy
. Southeast Asia digital ad spending 2023

Megistron Media